It would be a great loss if you miss tasting Vietnamese bread during your vacation package to Vietnam. With prestigious websites and social media sites(TripAdvisor, Foursquare, etc) reckoning to as “the best bread in the world”, Vietnamese bread definitely will make you feel satisfy. Out of the greatest bread stalls in Hoi An, “Madam Phuong bread” and “Madam Khanh bread” might the most outstanding ones with thousand of good feedbacks.
An all-inclusive Vietnam vacation packages to enjoy the best bread in the world!
Madam Phuong bread
If you have been on inclusive Vietnam vacation packages, then this might not an unfamiliar brand. “Madam Phuong” bread is well-knowed in both in both national and international market. Even Cameron Stauch – the master chief in Canada who was given the honor to cook for the president, has to acclaim the wonderful flavor of madam Phuong bread. No wonder why this little bread stall is always crowded with customers. This is also the most desirable food that tourist want to taste the most in every Vietnam vacation packages.

Madam Phuong bread is also the most desirable food that tourist want to taste the most in every Vietnam vacation packages.
Indeed it’s quite fun to line up and wait to enjoy the most savoury bread. In this time, you can see madam Phuong and her staff members asking for her customers’ order, and then quickly sliding breads, stuffing them with meat, vegetable and sauce.
I have to admit that the menu of this stall is diverse with hundreds of dressing, from Vietnamese specialities such as Vietnamese pork rolls, sausages to Western food such as pâ-té, cheese, smoked meat, not to mention the special sauce which was made by this stall’s owner. Maybe the harmony of flavor and the diversity of ingredients are the main contributors that made this loaf of bread unforgettable to tourists who have ever get a chance to taste it in their vacation package to Vietnam.
Not only is the dressing well prepared, but the additions are also carefully choosen. The chief provides small spring onion, coriander, basil, pickles, etc which was rigorously choosen to eat together with bread. Thanks to them, madam Phuong breads become more appetizing and not greasy.
It only takes 1-2 minutes to make a delicious loaf of bread. The bread looks mouth-watering and irresistible with green color of vegetables, red color of meat, pork rolls and brown color of sauce. Having a bite of the bread, enjoying the brittleness of the crust and the specialy moreish flavour of the sauce and dressing, I could understand why this small loaf of bread could attract thousand of traveller booking all inclusive Vietnam vacation packages.
According to Madam Phuong, she sold approximately 2000 loaves of bread to tourist, and now she has opened a new stall in Phan Chu Trinh street. However, the price stays the same, from 10.000 VND to 20.000 VND per loaf.
Madam Khanh bread
Located in Tran Cao Van street, madam Khanh bread is less famous than Madam Phuong bread maybe mainly because of its distant location. However, famous traveling websites such as TripAdvisor still consider Madam Khanh bread as a must-try street food with the so-called name “The Banh mi Queen”.

You could never find any stalls in your all inclusive Vietnam holiday package that could provide such a astoundingly delicious bread like that
The dressing of Madam Khanh bread consists more than 10 kinds of meats which include roasted meat, grilled meat, fried eggs, pâ-té, cheese, pickles, etc. They are directly prepared by Madam Khanh with her own secret recipe. Since she was over 80 years old, her speed of making a loaf of bread is quite slow which might burn up the impatient customers. However, hard work does pay off, the taste of the bread really deverses waiting. You could never find any stalls in your all inclusive Vietnam holiday package that could provide such a delicious bread like that.
Enjoying madam Khanh bread in your holiday package makes you feel like “eating the whole spirit of Hoi An”. Being made with devotion and love, madam Khanh’s bread conveys everything you could think of this city. The traditional features of Vietnam is perfectly mixed with the modern features of Western, making the perfect flavor of Madam Khanh bread.
Madam Khanh sells about 100 loaves of bread per day with the price from 10.000 VND to 20.00 VND per loaf. Because of the limited quantity of madam Khanh bread, you’d better visit this small stall early if you want to try this delicious street food during your holiday package in Vietnam.
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